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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility
It is a major undertaking and is always work in progress, but we call it
“continuous improvement” …

Our Sustainable Development Approach includes…

Reducing Resource Consumption
Our Company is reliant on non-renewable resources to conduct its business. The efficient use of these resources is of utmost importance and directly contributes to the resilience of the company, whilst assisting it to adapt to an environment that is increasingly resource constrained.

Minimizing our Environmental Impacts
We adopt a pro-active management approach when considering potential
environmental impacts. The minimization, mitigation and management of
these impacts are key components of the Company’s duty of care.

Reducing Resource Consumption
J Resources promotes a culture of zero harm and responsible care. Our
workforce is our most valued asset, and their continued good health and
safety will always be our priority.

Developing and Retaining our People
Our human resource strategy is to engage, develop and retain professional
and first-class employees. We consider this to be a key element in achieving
operational excellence.

Optimizing Community Benefit
Our operations are mostly based within existing socio-economic environments. We benefit from mining and our other activities during the life of these operations and in turn we regard it as our moral obligation to contribute to the sustainable socio-economic growth of the communities in
which we operate.

Our Corporate Social Investment
(CSI) programs strive to add value
within the immediate communities in
which we operate.
We also understand that due to location, political
climate and demographics each community may
have its own set of dynamics and the intention is
therefore not to dictate to the communities, but
rather to provide a structured method by which
everyone can align themselves with the J Resources CSR Policy and the CSI approach.

​Our Sustainable Development (SD)
Reporting is a commitment to develop
and implement Sustainable Development
reporting based on current best
The Company has decided to start by compiling
an internal report for 2015 and to follow that up
by full public reporting from 2016 onwards.
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