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Health & Safety


It is the ambition of the Company to become a safety leader, and to create a workplace without fatalities, injuries or occupational diseases. Our success depends on our ability to change and improve safety performance by implementing our EHS Policy as well as rolling out our Integrated Management System. To achieve this strong safety and health ambition we need to resolve challenges that arise and we are committed to transform At-risk behaviours at all levels of the organization to become Safe-behaviours.


J Resources is committed to compliance with the requirements of the OHSAS18001 Guideline and as such all operations, including Head Office, achieved certification in Q1-2016.


The Resume of Minutes of AGM and EGM (28 June 2024)

JRAP-Panggilan RUPST dan RUPSLB (28 June 2024)

JRAP-Announcement AGM and EGM (28 June 2024)

Resume MOM of GMS (12 June 2023)

Invitation of AGMS & EGMS (12 June 2023)

Announcement of AGMS & EGMS (28 July 2022)


Financial Statement (31 March 2024)

Annual Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

Financial Statement (31 December 2023)

Financial Statement (30 September 2023)

Head Office


Equity Tower, 48th Floor - SCBD, Lot.9
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Kav.52-53, Jakarta Selatan
+62 (21) 515-3335





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